J42 Kapota Jātaka


本生经42: 鸠本生

绘图/ 柯淑凌
设计/ 柯淑凌、王宗使
复述/ 柯淑凌
审稿/ 陈语

The Pigeon and the Crow

Jātaka 42: Kapota Jātaka
A pigeon lives in a kitchen. A greedy crow befriends him in order to eat the food, he is then housed in the kitchen too. Can the crow’s plan succeed?

Readability level: Intermediate I
Illustrated by Kwa Seok Leng
Designed by Kwa Seok Leng, Ong Chong Sai
Retold by Lee Sher Lynn
Proofread by Lee Yuk Peng, Joanne Soo & Shernyn Tay

At one time, Buddha, the Teacher was living at Jetavana, gave this Dhamma talk about a greedy bhikkhu.

At that time, upon being informed about this bhikkhu by others, the Teacher asked, “Bhikkhu, is it true that you are greedy?”

“Yes, Bhante.”

The Teacher said: “In the past, bhikkhu, you have lost your life and at the same time caused the wise, whom you relied on, to lose his home due to your greed!”

The bhikkhus begged the Blessed One to explain. The Blessed One spoke the hidden cause.


In the past, the Bodhisatta was born as a pigeon.

The Bārānasī folk of those days, as a common culture to gain merits, used to hang up straw-baskets at various places as comfortable shelters for the birds.

A rich merchant’s cook in Bārānasī hung up a straw-basket in the kitchen, and the Bodhisatta lived in this place which had been prepared. Everyday, he would go out to search for food in the morning and return in the evening. He spent his days as such.

One day, a crow flew over the kitchen and smelled a piece of rotten fish which had gone bad, and his greed arose. The crow thought: “Hmm…who can I rely on to get the fish?”

乌鸦于是停留在旁,等候时机。到了傍晚,乌鸦见到菩萨飞入厨房。“啊! 我可以靠它去取鱼肉!”
The crow hung around and waited for an opportunity. In the evening, he saw Bodhisatta fly into the kitchen. “Ah! I can rely on him to get the fish!”

The crow came back the next morning. When the Bodhisatta flew out to look for food, he kept following him very closely.

Then the Bodhisatta asked the crow, “Why do you keep following me, friend?”

“My master,” answered the crow, “I like your appearance. From now on, I will serve you, my master.”

“But friend, your kind of food is different from mine,” said the Bodhisatta, “you will find it difficult to serve me.”

“My master, don’t worry,” said the crow, “when you go out to search for your food, I will go with you.”

“Alright,” said the Bodhisatta, “but you must be diligent and not lazy!”

After admonishing the crow, the Bodhisatta wandered around and pecked some grass-seeds, while the crow went about turning over the cow dung to eat the maggots till his stomach was full.

Then he looked for the Bodhisatta, and remarked, “My master, you take too long to eat. You should just eat enough.”

When the Bodhisatta had enough food in the evening, he flew back to the kitchen with the crow following behind him.

“我家的鸽子和另一只回来啦!” 厨师大声说道。
“Our pigeon is back with another bird,” exclaimed the cook.

The cook prepared another straw-basket for the crow. Thereupon, the two birds lived together.

One day, the rich merchant brought back many fishes. The cook took them and hung them around the kitchen.

The crow turned greedy after seeing lots of fish, “Tomorrow I won’t go out to search for food, I would just eat these!” So, he kept groaning throughout the night.

The next day, when the Bodhisatta was going out to search for food, he said, “Come along, crow friend.”

“Go without me, my master. I have pain in my stomach.”

“朋友,我从没听说过乌鸦会肚子痛。” “你一定是渴望这里的鱼肉。走吧!人的食物对你是不适合的。不要这样做,跟我一同寻食去!”
“Friend, I have never heard of crows having pain in their stomach before.” “You must be longing to eat the fish here. Come, man's food is not suitable for you. Do not act like this, come along with me to search for food.”

“I can’t go, my master.”

“Well, your conduct will soon be known. Beware, do not let greed overpower you.”
After giving advice to the crow, the Bodhisatta flew out in search of his daily food.

Meanwhile, the cook took several kinds of fish and prepared them in different ways. Next, he covered the dish with a colander. He left the kitchen for cool air while wiping his sweat. At that moment, the crow popped out from the basket, glanced around the kitchen and knew that the cook was away.

乌鸦想:“哈!现在正是时侯。”“嗯,我要取大块的肉还是粹肉呢?吃这些肉需要点时间。” “显然,粹肉吃了饿得很快,不如衔一大块肉,回到笼中躺着吃吧!”
The crow thought: “Ha! Now is the time.” “Hmm… Should I grab a big piece of meat or minced meat? It will take some time for me to eat this meat.” “Obviously, eating the minced meat will make me hungry faster, why don’t I take a large piece of meat and bring it back to the basket where I can lie down to enjoy the meat.”

So he flew out, landed on the colander and made a “click” sound.

“Oh No!”

厨师听到声音,“那是什么声音?” 说着便急忙进入厨房,看到了乌鸦。
The cook heard the sound, “What is that sound?” said the cook. The cook entered the kitchen quickly and spotted the crow.

“啊,是一只可恶的乌鸦想吃我给大富商准备的肉!” “我是为富商工作的,可不是为这愚蠢的家伙,它算什么东西啊!”
“Oh, this bad crow wants to eat the meat that I have prepared for the merchant!” “I work for the rich merchant but not for this fool, what is he to me?”

The cook shut all the windows and door to catch the crow. He then plucked off all the crow’s feathers. Next, he pounded fresh ginger and cumin seed, mixed them in salt and sour buttermilk, then rubbed the mixture on the crow’s entire body. Lastly, he threw the injured crow back into the basket.

The crow was groaning in pain inside the basket.

The Bodhisatta returned in the evening. He saw the unfortunate crow without feathers.

“Ah! Greedy crow, you did not heed my advice and now you experience this huge pain due to your greed.”



Then, the Bodhisatta recited the stanza,

“Whosoever, not taking the advice being offered
By one with compassion and kind wishes,
Just like the crow, not taking the little pigeon’s advice,
Lies helpless in the hands of an enemy.”

菩萨唱完偈颂,又说道:“现在,我也不能再住在这里了。” 便向他方飞去。乌鸦死后,厨师连同稻草笼,把它丢在垃圾堆里。
After reciting the stanza, the Bodhisatta said, “Now, I cannot live here any longer either.” Then, the Bodhisatta flew away. Meanwhile, after the crow died, the cook threw both the crow and the basket into the garbage dump.
The Teacher then said: “Bhikkhu, you are not only greedy now, you were also greedy in the past. Because of your greed, the wise had to abandon his home.”
After the Dhamma talk, The Teacher made known the Four Noble Truths. When the Noble Truths were preached, the bhikkhu attained the Fruit of the Third Path.

The Teacher then connected the previous birth with the present as follows, “At that time, the greedy bhikkhu was the crow, and I myself was the pigeon.”


省思 Reflection




Look at the consequence of the greedy crow.

Greed is bad. Although most of us know this, it is not easy to eradicate greed completely.

Greed manifests as selfishness, attachment etc. Selfishness manifests as only caring about oneself; attachment manifests as holding onto living beings or non-living things. Because of attachment, we are unable to escape from the round of rebirth and will suffer again and again. It is important to eradicate even the slightest attachment until we can one day be released from the endless round of rebirth and attain the security of the other shore, Nibbāna.
